April 14 of Abounding Pathways

Make Christ the center of your life

Earnestly seek after God with your whole heart and your whole mind.

Put God first in your life and thoughts and converse with others often about Him.

Though they who delight in speaking with one another concerning the Lord are few in number; yet they bring more joy to the Heart of God than all others combined.

If you have excluded God from your conversations with others; you probably have chosen to exclude God from your life also.

But for me, my delight is in the Lord and to hear others speaking of God's awesome wonders bring joy to my heart.

Paul said, For me to live is Christ.

Brethren, make Christ the center of your life; not your business, not your family, not your church, not your personal welfare; but let Christ be your all in all.

Put Jesus Christ upon the throne of your life.

©04/14/2002 Jim Welch
April directory